Pathway Development and Evaluation
Enabling rapid development of bioproducts
The Agile BioFoundry’s Pathway Development and Evaluation is pre-competitive research & development that serves as an infrastructure investment to reduce the time to bioprocess scale-up for a wide range of potential products.
Pathway Development and Evaluation encompasses the design of metabolic engineering and bioprocessing strategies to enable production of exemplary targets associated with various beachhead molecules, metabolic intermediates that can be converted into several bioproducts, as shown on the map linked below. Potential beachheads are highlighted in gray, beachheads we are currently working on are in green, and Agile BioFoundry target molecules are in blue.

Pathway Development and Evaluation using exemplary targets will enable rapid development of strategies for production of related bioproducts. Rather than starting from scratch, our partners interested in developing production strategies for their product of interest can leverage metabolic engineering and process scale-up strategies and techno-economic and life cycle assessment developed for an exemplary product associated with the same beachhead.