September 25, 2018
Three Agile BioFoundry Bioenergy R&D Projects Receive DOE Awards
This R&D will enable cost-competitive, drop-in renewable hydrocarbon fuels, bio-based products, and power from non-food biomass and waste feedstocks.
September 12, 2018
ABF Holds Second All Hands Meeting
The annual meeting represents a great opportunity for ABF researchers and industry / academia to interact face-to-face with each other and to strengthen their professional relationships.
August 14, 2018
National Labs hold Industry Listening Day – March 15, 2016
The purpose of the Listening Day was to gather input from key industry stakeholders on the R&D barriers to building a robust, accessible biomanufacturing platform.
August 14, 2018
National Labs to host SynBio Foundry Vision Review – June 14, 2016
The SynBio Foundry, as proposed, is the manifestation of the Agile Biomanufacturing visioning efforts.
July 31, 2018
Agile BioFoundry hosts first All Hands Meeting
The first annual Agile BioFoundry (ABF) All Hands Meeting took place August 28-29, 2017 at the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) in Golden, Colorado.
July 31, 2018
Agile BioFoundry Announces New Projects
The Agile BioFoundry announced the commencement of seven projects with industry partners and an academic lab under the recent $5M Directed Funding Opportunity.